At Doherty Autos and Mechanical we offer a Loyalty Program for our valued customers. We want to thank you for your loyalty and for supporting our business, so be sure to ask one of our friendly team about joining the loyalty program we offer for fuel purchases, to save you some money. Alternatively visit the “Loyalty Card” page from the Service Station tab at the top of the page and read on to learn all about the loyalty program we have in place.
How Does the Loyalty Program Work??
This loyalty program could not be any easier for our customers. The loyalty program is as simple as asking one of our staff members to join you up (we usually ask but sometimes we forget in our busy schedules), we will then give you one of our loyalty cards. On the back of your card you will see it is divided into 6 squares containing a petrol bowser and a place at the bottom for us to enter your vehicles registration number. Each time you come in and fill your vehicle, present us with your card when you pay and we will stamp it for you. When you get to your 6th fill, we will give you 10cents per litre off your purchase. There is no gimmicks, no pesky emails, no junk mail, just a good old fashioned reward as a thank you from us to you for your loyalty. It Doesn’t get any better then that. So what are you waiting for……ask us today so you can be on your way to receiving your 10cents per litre off.
Note: Cards will not be stamped if the vehicle has not been filled as per requirements of Loyalty program. Cards not matching vehicle registration will not be stamped as per requirements of our loyalty program. Thank you.